Cedar Tree Healing Arts

Helping people live lives of meaning, connection & joy

Boulder, CO 80303

(303) 518-3755

Helping people live lives of meaning, connection and joy through psychotherapy and shamanic healing.

Find my Sacred Circle writings on Substack!

Hi Friends,

Thank you for your interest in my writings! After the 2024 election, I became clear that the time had come to launch my writing in a more public format. To do so, I created a personal Substack page, which I hope will allow for more engagement and cross-pollination of ideas.

The Sacred Circle writings are devoted to exploring the lessons I have learned from practicing nature-based spirituality, shamanism, and psychotherapy for over a decade, and applying them to taking action to create a kinder, more just and more sustainable world. In other words, I’m exploring blending nature-based spirituality and activism, creating an activism unapologetically rooted in love and reverence for all life.

You can find these writings, and subscribe, here.

Contact & E-newsletter Sign-Up:

You may contact Kris at (970) 403-5018, or kris@cedartreehealing.org, or by filling out the form to the left, below. To sign-up for the e-newsletter, fill out the form to the right, below.