Couples Counseling — Cedar Tree Healing Arts

Cedar Tree Healing Arts

Helping people live lives of meaning, connection & joy

Boulder, CO 80303

(303) 518-3755

Helping people live lives of meaning, connection and joy through psychotherapy and shamanic healing.

Couples Counseling

Loving, intimate relationships can lead to connection, joy, meaning and satisfaction in life.

But they can also be so challenging! Sometimes we fear that being who we truly are in a relationship will cause our partner to reject us. Sometimes we trigger each other and feel that there is no way out. Sometimes we can’t imagine speaking our truths to our partner. We might have radically different approaches to conflict. And we might disagree about fundamental issues in life, such as money, sex, kids, work, lifestyle, household chores, spirituality, and more.

I work with couples to create space in their relationship to be who they truly are, speak their truths, communicate effectively, solve their problems creatively, and rediscover the joy of their relationship. Together we work with a variety of approaches, including body-centered awareness and communication, personal responsibility, Gestalt, mindfulness, and, for those who desire it, nature-based psychotherapy.

Next Steps

If you're interested in working with me, the next step is to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation. In this conversation, we'll explore what you're wanting to work on in couples counseling, and I'll answer any questions you might have. If we're a good fit for each other, we'll discuss logistics and pricing, and set up your first session. 

To schedule your free phone consultation, you may call me at (303) 518-3755, email me at, or send me a message via the form below. Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you!

Contact & E-newsletter Sign-Up:

You may contact Kris at (970) 403-5018, or, or by filling out the form to the left, below. To sign-up for the e-newsletter, fill out the form to the right, below.